Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Global Warming and other Ecology Issues; The Energy Crunch Essay

Global Warming and other Ecology Issues; The Energy Crunch - Essay Example These gases allow sunlight to penetrate the atmosphere then trap some of the solar energy which heats the earth (Breuer, 1980). It is a delicate balance and because these greenhouse gases have been artificially augmented by man-made sources, more build up in the atmosphere has occurred thus trapping more of the sun’s energy and reflecting less back in to space. This occurrence is causing the earth to warm. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the most prevalent of the greenhouse gases. Although deforestation is contributing heavily to the excess of CO2 in the atmosphere, a larger portion is caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as oil and coal. Fossil fuels are burned by factories, vehicles and electricity-producing power plants to name a few sources. Other greenhouse gases include methane, which is released when vegetation is burned during land clearing, during oil exploration activities and the coal-mining process; chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which is the substance that cools refrigerators and provides the propulsion in aerosol cans and nitrous oxide (N2O) which is the lesser cause of CO2 (Breuer, 1980). It is generated from both man-made and natural processes. Although warnings about the human generated causes of an enhanced greenhouse effect and the subsequent catastrophic outcomes have been sounded for over 100 years, global warming has only recently become an important political matter. One would have to wonder what enormous problems this will cause not only to people and property but to the health of the global economy as a whole. Entire sections of various countries will be forced to abandon their homes and businesses. The process will be a slow and torturous one. Agriculture activity, land masses and the very air we breathe will suffer a radical change from the effects of global warming. The question before us is, are we stewards of our earth and will we preserve it for future

Sunday, February 9, 2020


EMOTIONS AND HOW COMPANIES UNDERSTAND AND USE IT TO INFLUENCE ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR - Essay Example Consumer emotional behavior is a mixture of elements of economics, sociology, psychology and social anthropology. It attempts to examine the behavior processes behind decision making of buyers at groups and individual level (Arora 2013, 53). In addition, it studies the characters of individual buyers, for example, their location and behavior changes to understand people’s need and wants. It also assesses the impact family, reference groups, friends and society have on the consumer. The study of customer emotional behavior depends on the consumer buying conduct. The customer plays three important roles: user, buyer and payer. Research conducted by Foxall shows that it is difficult to predict the behavior of consumers (Foxall 2013, 24). Relationship marketing best analyzes the behavior of the customer because it focuses on the importance of the buyer or customer. It emphasizes on customer relationship management, customization, consumer retention, one-to-one marketing and person alization. Social function is divided into welfare function and social choice. One of the most difficult and important task is to understand why consumers make decisions. For example, a teenager drinks Pepsi from Pepsi Company and not Coke from Coca-Cola Company, or the choice to drive a minivan car and not an SUV. In the examples, the product feature (De Cremer 2008) rarely drives the consumer’s emotional choice. The consumers’ choice is deeper than the features of the product, and so marketers need to understand the drivers of consumers at an emotional level in order to create a persuasive message. To understand what triggers this emotional decision, marketers do qualitative research and quantify the result. The method is effective though the managers are asking the researchers what to do to make the consumers buy their products and not wander away. The traditional method fails to analyze what triggers the consumers’ emotions and focus more on the products and their benefits (Saad 2011, 64). The research ends up with a result that is not sufficient because they fail to get what captures the mind and the heart of the buyers. Researchers also employ Means-end Approach method, which applies interview technique. The method uncovers consequences, personal values and emotions that trigger the choice of the consumers. It consists of full-trained interviewers who gather quality data and get it coded for analysis (Foxall 2008, 32). The researchers gets to understand consumer choice and put advertising messages of their brands or products to get their consumer choice. The message is persuasive and drives consumers’ behavior. There are six methods to get customers to buy products. Customers buy products because of their benefits not the features associated with them. Most marketing and sales adverts talk about features leaving out benefits for customers to figure them out. The first way is letting the customers differentiate between a featur e and benefit. A feature is what a service or product does while a benefit is what the service or product means to the customer. The second way is avoiding use of big difficult words. This leaches off emotion. For example, this advert is wrong: Robust implementation of 347986protocol. Something like this is more appealing: One can connect nearly everywhere. The third method is using clear but plain language. A customer is able to recollect the benefits of product if simple strong words that trigger emotions are used. The fourth way is making your benefit concrete .This means making your